Mark Allen
Board Member Gaper, LLC, Independent Computer Consultant
Mark spent 40 years in the IT industry. In his last job, he was VP of engineering. However, he always wanted to start his own business and he final...
Rhovy Lyn Antonio
Public Policy & Government Affairs Committee Chair California Apartment Association, Tri-County Division, Government Affairs Director
Paul Behan
Board Member svb > Private, SVP / Private Banking
Laura Bent
Executive Board Member - Vice Chair Samaritan House, CEO
Michael Berube
Board Member The Berube Company, President/CEO
Jonathan Bissell
Board Member High Performance Impact, LLC, CEO
Jennifer Chen
Ex-Officio City of San Mateo, Ex-Officio/ Economic Development Manager
Heather Cleary
Executive Board Member - Chair Peninsula Family Service, CEO
Carey Gorgolinski
Board Member Lawyers Title Company, Vice President/West Bay Area Operations
Silas Green
Executive Board Member -Treasurer Sunshine Pro Accounting and Tax, CPA/Owner
Jennifer Hancox
Board Member The Edna Collective, Jeweler, Appraiser, Creator
Retail leader and GIA Accredited Jewelry Professional (AJP with Diamond & Pearl qualifications) developing and leading highly trained teams of gem ...
Roger Heighton
Board Member Farmers Insurance Roger Heighton Agency, Agent, CA Lic 0D47342
Kohar Kojayan
Board Member Koh Planning, Owner and Principal
Ross Moilan
Board Member California Water Service Company, District Manager
Angel Saunders, Esq.
Executive Board Member - Secretary Hopkins & Carley | A Law Corporation, Associate
Angel Riley is an associate in Hopkins & Carley’s Palo Alto office and a member of the Family Wealth & Tax Planning Practice. Angel’s primary focus...
Mia Rossi
Board Member Recology San Mateo County, Waste Zero Manager
Erin Sinclair
Board Member Edward Jones, Financial Advisor
As an Edward Jones financial advisor, I believe it's important to invest my time in understanding what you are working toward before you invest you...
Mitch Williams
Board Member Home Helpers In Home Care, BOD/Owner/CEO