Ribbon Cutting & Holiday Business After Hours @ Community Bank of the Bay
Network and socialize with business owners, professionals and community leaders in a business casual, energetic, and FUN environment. Great in-person networking opportunity. Bring plenty of business cards.
San Mateo Mayor will be presiding over the Ribbon Cutting in celebration of Community Bank of the Bay's move to their new location.
Food and Beverages are sponsored by Community Bank of the Bay and San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce.
Please donate a raffle prize if you would like your company mentioned. Please email events@SanMateoChamber.org about the prize in advance. Bring prize to the event and check it in with a Chamber Ambassador at the front desk.
Attendance will be limited. Please register by Monday, December 4, so we have an accurate headcount for refreshments.
Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 6, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
December 6, 2023
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Community Bank of the Bay
400 S El Camino Real, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA 94402